Student Loan Payments
If you are unable to pay your student loans, you may be able to request a forbearance. This means that you will not have to pay your loans for a period of time. In light of Covid-19, the federal government announced that it will:
Give an administrative forbearance to people with federal student loans, and
It will stop interest on federally held student loans.
This ONLY applies to loans owned by the U.S. Department of Education, which include:
Direct Loans,
some Perkins Loans, and
This does not apply if your Perkins loans are owned by your school.
some Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL).
This does not apply to FFEL loans owned by a commercial lender.
To find out whether your loans are eligible or to request a forbearance, contact your loan servicer online or by phone. Your servicer is where you make your monthly payment. If you do not know who your servicer is or how to contact them, visit or call 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243; TTY for the deaf or hearing-impaired 1-800-730-8913) for assistance.